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Thoughts & Inspiration

Tonight my squad and I watch Free Burma Rangers. While watching this movie my first thought was man I want to be there. Right after I said to myself no maybe later but right now I’m here I’m where the lord has put me. So I gave that desire to the Lord I said “lord there is a desire in my heart to go so I give that desire to you.” After the movie had ended I felt led to share to the squad about what was happening in my mind and heart. Another squad mate was set to share before me. While he was sharing I was thinking about the best way to word what I was going to say and I realized this isn’t for me to share but the lord ,I said ,”holy spirit lead me.” When it was time for me to share I said this ,”When I was watching this movie I thought to myself man I wanna be there. There’s an elder in my church who said this before I left on this mission he said, ‘bloom where you are planted;’ each and everyone of you are not here by coincidence you were planted her by God to bloom. In that movie it said that the battle kept going for another 9 months, that immediately reminded me of us we are here on this mission trip for 9 months and we are just as much on the battlefield as they are it’s the same battle we are fighting. That desire of me wanting to go I gave it to the Lord to sort whether it happens or doesn’t is not my concern because it’s no longer on my shoulders so are you going to keep the desires you have or are you going to give them to the Lord and walk by faith into the impossible that he has called you to ?” Not only was that question directed to my squad but it is now directed to you. 

2 responses to “Words that lords shared through me”

  1. Oooooh!!!! This is so good. My friend told me not to look back while taking up the plow. I pray that whatever you put in God’s hands you leave there! Hallelujah, this is a great sign of edification for us, the body and bride of Christ.