
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday was the first day of ministry for my team (Petros). My squad of 24 has been divided into 3 teams (Jubilee, Mosaic, and Petros) each team has their own ministry that they go to. Petros has soccer ministry. I didn’t join my team in soccer ministry, instead I was in the city of Parramos fundraising because I’m not fully funded yet along with 5 other racers who are in the same boat.


I made some calls to my supporters and a majority said ,”what your not at ministry with your team that’s horrible”. My response was ,”I’m exactly where the Lord wants me, I’m not sure what he has for me here in Parramos, maybe I’m supposed to talk to someone maybe, someone is supposed to talk to me. all I know is he wants me here, if he didn’t he would have had someone fully fund me at the start of this trip.” I made this calls around 10 a.m.

Fast forwarding now it’s 4:00 p.m. and it’s time to be picked up. We have 15 minutes before our ride shows up to take us back to base. In the distance I seen a man stumbling towards us he finally reached us and asked me for the time. He could barely stand or even talk, he was drunk. He asked me for food so I gave him a banana and he sat down next to us and devoured that banana, once he finished it he looks at me and says ,”no one loves me”. I responded saying ,” that’s a lie”. He just repeated himself ,”no one loves me”. so I repeated myself ,” no that’s a lie Because the Lord loves you dearly”. While I’m talking to him my squad leader Philip is praying for a spirit of soberness over this man. During my conversation with this man he’d stop to look around and you could just tell he was becoming more and more responsive. He then started to tell me about his family he has two kids one Is 4 the other is 6 and he has a wife. After he told me that he began to cry and kept repeating ,” I just want to die”. I asked him do you want a fresh start? A new life ? He said yes, after that he was lead in the sinners prayer and accept Jesus Christ into his life right as this happened our ride arrived the man said ,” don’t leave me, don’t leave me!” I turned to Philip because I didn’t know what to do it was time to go but this man doesn’t want us to leave. Then the man says wait ,” do me a favor, come to my home and pray for my family it’s a half block away.” I told Philip what he Philip told me to ask our driver and our driver said I’m already late then Phillip asked ,”how much time do we have”. Our driver responded ,”8 minutes”. Phillip then turned to me awaiting my response. So I asked the Lord what do I do and the Lord said ,”go to this man’s house”. I said ,”heck yeah, everyone load up!” I turned to the driver and said,” we have 6 minutes to get to this man’s home let’s go!” We all loaded up in the van and drove to this man’s house, once we arrived I opened the door and the drunk man said ,”follow me” then proceeded to run into his home I’ve never seen a drunk man run for prayer it was amazing! Once we were in we met his wife and she was in absolute disbelief she could tell her husband had an encounter with the Lord and couldn’t believe it. Phillip and I prayed for there family and I have them a Spanish bible and said ,”this is a gift from the Lord” and we left.

My team went to a scheduled ministry day but even though it wasn’t scheduled so was I because the spirit moves with or without our schedule in mind because the Lord has his own schedule.

4 responses to “Situation does not define the spirit”

  1. Dude, I love that you were obedient to the lord. Proud to know that you are not in hurry but instead seeking the kingdom at every turn. Proud of you bro!

  2. Such a great testimony on how God can work in any moment. Thanks for sharing and keep trusting God.

  3. “I’ve never seen a drunk man run for prayer – it was amazing!” This made me cry tears of joy! What an awesome reminder that we don’t have to get it all together to come to the Lord; He takes us just as we are. I’m praying for that man right now – God knows who he is – that he has his nose in that Spanish Bible and is growing in his knowledge and love of His Savior. Thanks for sharing this story, Nick. Go spread more of that unconditional LOVE!
    ~Nathan’s Mama

  4. Right time right place. That’s what being lead by the spirit looks like! Bless you all!